The following is a summary of our Summer Camp Rules. These guidelines are implemented to ensure the safety (both emotionally and physically) and the overall enjoyment of ALL campers. It is essential that Parents/Guardians and Campers are aware of these guidelines and imperative that the FSA Sports Camp Staff implement them to ensure that all disciplinary measures are consistent and fair throughout the camp.
The success of our camp program is based, in part on:
High standards of safety and care for your children.
High expectations of ourselves and our staff.
A value system explained to staff, campers, and families.
Boundaries clearly defined for campers, staff, and parents.
Our staff goes through a 5 day Pre- Camp/ Orientation to ensure all of our expectations are exceeded and your camper is in the best possible hands at all times. Our goal is to teach campers:
To recognize that they have responsibility for themselves and those around them.
To learn to make choices, which are good for themselves and others, and to take responsibility for the choices they make.
To respect oneself and others DESPITE OUR DIFFERENCES.
To accept accountability for their actions and the consequences for inappropriate behaviors which could include loss of this opportunity.
It is essential that you communicate to your children that we will not accept the behaviors below. They must also understand that a consequence of one of the below can mean the loss of this camp experience.
Camper Rules and unacceptable behaviors but not limited to:
(FSA reserves the right at any time to dismiss a camper if we feel the camper is in danger of harming another camper or themselves either physically or emotionally at any time without refund)
BULLYING - under no circumstance will any sort of bullying (including Cyberbullying or behavior outside of camp) be tolerated.
VIOLENCE - Fighting, hitting, kicking of any other camper or staff.
PROFANITY - Swearing has NO place in camp. The use of vulgar language regardless of whether or not is intended at another individual will not be acceptable.
OTHER UNACCEPTABLE CONVERSATION TOPICS - Sex, homophobic comments, bigotry.
DISRESPECT- Campers are expected to respect all members of the FSA Community as well as other personnel at the school both during and after camp hours.
NON-PARTICIPATION- All campers are expected to participate in all activities unless there is a medical condition or other reason that has been explained by a parent or guardian to the FSA Sports Camp Leadership Team.
WEAPONS- Guns, knives, swords, or anything homemade resembling a weapon.
CELL PHONES or GIZMOS- Cell Phones and Gizmos are strictly prohibited and will be confiscated and given back at the end of the day. If your camper takes the bus he will receive his phone when he gets off the bus.
MATCHES OR LIGHTERS- Or anything else that can create fire.
MONEY - Campers are not to bring any money to camp.
TRADING CARDS (Sports, Pokemon, etc).
FSA SPORTS CAMP IS NOT RESPONSIBLE OR LIABLE FOR ANY LOST OR STOLEN PERSONAL ITEMS. Please mark all of your children’s clothing on the back tag in case they change or take off clothes throughout the day.
Parent Expectations and Regulations but not limited to:
FSA Sports Camp is a CLOSED Campus - This means that parents, grandparents, friends, etc are not allowed to show up on their own at FSA Sports Camp. All visitors will be kindly asked to leave upon arrival unless prior arrangements have been made with the FSA Sports Camp Leadership Team.
Withholding “Family Secrets” - All families are to fill out our Online Camper Confidential Form. Our purpose in having pertinent health information, both physical and emotional, is to be able to better serve each child. We must expect that parents or guardians of any child sent to FSA Sports Camp have provided us with all the necessary information we need to keep ALL children safe. “Family Secrets” serve no one.
Abide by our Food and Allergy Policy- FSA Sports Camp is a peanut and tree nut aware community. We will not allow ANY outside food/snacks this summer at FSA Sports Camp. Campers will be given a snack every day (fruit, cereal bars, goldfish, popsicles, etc).
FSA Sports Camp is proud to have partnered with AMSkier Insurance, one of the leading Camp Insurance Providers in the Country, and we are here together to support and create the safest, healthiest, and happiest camp culture on the North Shore of Chicago.
As owners of FSA Sports Camp, we must reserve the right to ask that a child at risk to one self or the community be picked up or removed from camp, immediately. We understand that each individual child comes to camp with his own “emotional baggage”, but to keep our camp community as safe as possible decisions will be made in the best interest of our entire camp community.
Finally, as caretakers of your children we are Mandated Reports of child abuse. Our entire camp staff, leadership team included, have the responsibility of reporting to the state Central Registry any indication of abuse. The regulations are specific in that “Seeing, Hearing about, or Suspected Abuse” MUST be reported immediately without our right to do our own investigation.
We do not take the safety of your children lightly. We accept the responsibility of partnering with you and simply ask for your full cooperation. As always, please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about this communication or any other matter.
Kevin and Colleen